for and through


We offer a set of open-access videos on the work of international cooperation in education.


eduCoop Resources

Global citizenship education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this video, we question its relevance in West Africa, highlighting both challenges and opportunities. See also our blog on this topic.
On the occasion of the official launch of UNESCO’s 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report, an interview has been conducted with a member of the team that produced it, Dr. Nicole Bella, statistician and senior policy analyst.

Other sources

In this video, Alain Mingat, while exposing the major challenges of international cooperation in education, proposes through ‘Children Without Borders’ a model in which international aid targets children and not countries.

Source: Université de Bourgogne – IREDU

This video, even if it does not focus directly on the education sector, questions the relevance of international aid agencies influence in the Haitian context.

Source: TEDx

This video highlights the ten targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 related to education. These are the ten targets that the major international agencies have officially listed as priorities for their actions.

Source: UNESCO

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