for and through


Areas of influence

  • Prioritize advocacy, especially for increased resources in favor of education in emergencies
  • Enhance academic cooperation, especially in research and training
  • Clarify and distinguish the added value of International Geneva compared to Switzerland in general*


  • Decentralize decision-making on education policies to the regional/national level
  • Listen to the voice of local actors for actions to be taken, especially in terms of advocacy

Coordination and intersectorality

  • Promote interactions between organizations, setting aside the personal interests of each
  • Facilitate intersectorality through more flexible cooperation mechanisms, particularly at the level of the United Nations system

* Even if the actors in the field did not mention this, beyond clarifying the role of International Geneva vis-à-vis the SDC, why not strengthen existing entities such as the Swiss Network for Education & International Cooperation (RECI)? This network has the advantage of bringing together many organizations involved in the education sector and does a great deal of coordination work, particularly in terms of sharing experiences (including with actors in the Global South) to improve practices on the ground.