#10 Sub-Saharan Africa as a priority of foreign aid to education?
#10 Sub-Saharan Africa as a priority of foreign aid to education? Author: Thibaut Lauwerier In this tenth post, we take stock of potential progress in prioritizing international aid, focusing on the education sector in sub-Saharan Africa. First of all, let us recall the definition of aid: it is “material help given by one country to […]
#09 SDG4: From International Ambitions to National Realities. The Example of Global Citizenship Education
#09 SDG4: From International Ambitions to National Realities. The Example of Global Citizenship Education Author: Thibaut Lauwerier For decades, governments in the global South, including in sub-Saharan Africa, have been officially adopting international development goals and, therefore, education goals. From 1990 to 2015, along with the Millennium Development Goals, the well-known Education for All agenda […]
#08 ‘We are Somewhat Competitors’: The Challenge of Coordination in International Cooperation in Education in Africa
#08 ‘We are Somewhat Competitors’: The Challenge of Coordination in International Cooperation in Education in Africa Author: Thibaut Lauwerier As a preamble, let us recall that to compensate for African states’ financial incapacity to meet the educational needs of their populations, international cooperation has historically been present on the African continent. Aid to education in […]
#01 Aid to education: To the right destination?
#01 Aid to education: To the right destination? Author: Thibaut Lauwerier Update: 20.05.2019 This article focuses on the priorities of international cooperation in education, and it raises the question: IS AID GOING TO THE RIGHT DESTINATION? To answer this question, let us clarify the definition of aid: it is « material help given by one country […]