for and through


The International Finance Facility for Education: The Wrong Answer to the Right Question?

Author(s): Barder, Owen ; Rogerson, Andrew

Year: 2018

Description: the authors explain why so little international funding is allocated to education, and what can be done to attract more. 

✏️ blog #01

The World Bank’s Doublespeak on Teachers. An Analysis of Ten Years of Lending and Advice

Author(s): Fontdevila, Clara ; Verger, Antoni

Year: 2015

Description: this report presents the World Bank’s discourse on the issue of teachers. The authors particularly highlight the double language of the organization, which vacillates between neo-liberal and more progressive discourse, visible in the mismatch between the Bank’s ambitions in its official documents and the operationalization of its orientations through its loans.

✏️ blog #03

Politiques, acteurs et systèmes éducatifs entre internationalisation et mondialisation [FR]

Author(s): Lange, Marie-France ; Henaff, Nolwen

Year: 2015

Description : this paper discusses the modalities of the internationalization of education policies and questions, in particular, the way in which national education policies are developed and the strategies of the different actors in the globalization process are constructed. It discusses the role of actors in international cooperation in education. 

Construire et mettre en oeuvre un projet de coopération internationale en éducation [FR]

Author(s): Lauwerier, Thibaut ; Abdeljalil Akkari

Year: 2019

Description: through this book, the authors propose a critical reflection on the mechanisms of educational projects in their evolution and limits, while adopting a pragmatic stance through the provision of practical tools likely to guide the development worker in the construction of relevant educational projects, from design to evaluation.

✏️ blog #05 ; #06

Profils et pratiques des acteurs de la coopération internationale en éducation. Le cas des coopérants basés en Suisse [FR]

Author(s): Lauwerier, Thibaut

Year: 2019

Description : to understand the actions of international cooperation institutions, too little research goes beyond the analysis of institutional documents produced by the organizations themselves. This research has the advantage of dealing in depth, from a specific country, Switzerland, with the characteristics of the profiles and practices of cooperation actors, while highlighting the many challenges they face.

✏️ blog #08

What education for what development? Towards a broader and consensual vision by the OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank in the context of SDGs?

Author(s): Lauwerier, Thibaut

Year: 2018

Description: this paper deals with the influence of the World Bank on national education policies in West Africa, particularly in Mali and Senegal. While the organization is often the subject of virulent criticism, the author has attempted to see at different levels how its influence is deployed in specific contexts, with emphasis on teacher-related policies.

✏️ blog #02

Rethinking World Bank influence on national basic education policy in Francophone West Africa. Teacher policy in Mali and Senegal from 1980 to 2010

Author(s): Lauwerier, Thibaut

Year: 2017

Description: this paper deals with the influence of the World Bank on national education policies in West Africa, particularly in Mali and Senegal. While the organization is often the subject of virulent criticism, the author has attempted to see at different levels how its influence is deployed in specific contexts, with emphasis on teacher-related policies.

✏️ blog #03

Donor policies, practices and investment priorities in support of education, and post-2015 prospects: a review [ENG]

Author(s): Mercer, Malcom

Year: 2013

Description: this text has the advantage of highlighting the priorities of the main international education donors in terms of policies, practices and investment. The author underlines the areas that particularly mobilize international cooperation to the detriment of other areas.

✏️blog #01


Globalisation, education and development: Ideas, actors and dynamics? [ENG] 

Author(s): Robertson, Susan ; Novelli, Mario ; Dale, Roger ; Tikly, Leon ; Dachi, Hillary & Alphonce, Ndibelema

Year: 2007

Description : this report, although beginning to be dated, has the advantage of bringing together recognized authors in the field of the analysis of the influence of international organizations on education policies, and of synthesizing the debates around development aid and the key actors of international cooperation in education.

✏️blog #03

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